Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Marriage is More......

It funny to me that some people don't understand that Marriage is more than jewelry...Its work, its commitment and it should be for life but people now a days don't treat it that way. My Aunt and Uncle celebrate 36 years of marriage today and Sinead O' Conner filed for divorce after 18 days today... Nothing about that makes sense to me.

I am happy to have so many couples around me that are role models and show me that love is hard from time to time but as long as you stick it out with each other, work through the hard times and remember your vows to each other, all will be just fine.

To my readers who are on the road to marriage as I am, I hope that you Live, Laugh and Love with your soul mate for your whole lives. Remember that although there will be some ruff times, that trouble don't last always.



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