Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Dream is becoming The Reality

So when I was about 14 years old or so, I had a High School health class project to plan my wedding, It was the furthest thing from my mind at the time. I even remember having dreams about a wedding but it would always stop at my veil being lifted to see the groom's face. For awhile I didn't understand the dream until recently when I figured that the dream had to become a reality for me to see it completed.

I have the same dream a few nights ago but this time, I saw Scott and in my deep sleep I was relieved to see his face seeing as how before I was unable to see any one's face. I think in some instances it was God's way of telling me to be patience and wait for my time to happen. The funnier part of it all is that here I am today about to be a Bride this year and I never thought it would actually happen.

After all the years I watched friends find love, get married and have families, it is now our time to do the same. It is our year and nothing can turn my smile upside down....

297 to go.....


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