Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Confession of a Newlywed: Month 4

1. I know that this is bad but I still have yet to do my Thank You cards... I know I am a bad bride but it has to get done soon.

2. I love sitting on the couch with my husband and having the perfect spot under his arm for me to lay in.

3. There is something special about a man who understands the value of all my madness.

4. People still gush over our wedding and it makes me happy that people love our love.

5. Speaking of weddings, I kind of like people asking me for wedding advice.... I feel like an expert.

6. My husband's hugs are the best in the world.

7. I love that when I want to try and do something, My biggest cheerleader is still my husband.

8. I am starting to accept that his shoes will always end up under the living room table.

9. I am learning to pick and choose my battles wisely.

10. I wish sometimes we had more time together but we have a good balance

11. Nothing is better at the end of the day like Red Wine, Boigie Snacks, Netflix and the Hubs.

12. I swear his smile gives me butterflies no matter what.

13. I know he might think my Good Morning texts are corny but I want him to know that not a minute goes by that I don't think of him.

14. If you have a iPhone or Android, The Couple app is a real way to be kissy face with each other.

15. He is my hero.

16. Public Displays of Affection between us always makes me smile.

17. I'm sure my candles and oils drive him a little crazy but I am glad he is starting to accept them... Now if I can get him on board with closing the doors, we will be all good.

18. I look forward to doing more traveling with him.

19. The empty glasses next to his side of the bed is something I can deal with...

20. 124 days and I love him more and more each day...


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