Friday, July 26, 2013

Confesions of a Newlywed: Month 9

Since our 9 month anniversary is tomorrow, I figured I would post my Newlywed Confessions today:
  1. I cant believe that it has been 9 months... I swear time goes by so fast.
  2. We are learning to make more time for each other in the mist of our busy schedules but we do what we can to spend time with one another.
  3. Vegas next month for his mothers wedding will be a great adult trip for us.
  4. I am learning that it is us and not me anymore... I am getting better at it.
  5. Romance... That is all.
  6. Nothing is better in life right now for me to go to sleep and wake up to the same person laying by my side.
  7. I want to be a better wife... Just have to learn more things.
  8. Its nice to hang with married people and have similar discussions with them.
  9. I hear our wedding song and it makes me smile every time.
  10. House hunting has been a thing of progress but I know it will happen for us soon
  11. To hear him say I Love You makes my day
  12. I still text him Good Morning even though he is right next to me... I know but I love him.
  13. I'm still working on a few wedding projects but I will get them done.
  14. I am getting better at expressing myself to my husband... He is too.
  15. It makes me happy to hear people talk about our love and how we love.
  16. I like that every now and again he still surprises me.
  17. Date Nights have been crazy to plan but I look forward to having more hopefully in the near future.
  18. Did I mention I am so happy?
  19. I cant wait for our one year anniversary... I have to pullout all the stops.
  20. He completes me.


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