Monday, August 4, 2014

10 Things Every Bride Is Thinking at the Altar

Any number of things could be going through a bride's head on her wedding day, from "This chuppah looks crazy amazing!" to "Why am I doing this?" but there are a few at-the-altar thoughts that we think are pretty universal.

1. "Don't cry, your makeup is going to run."

2. "Never mind, this is amazing! Let the tears flow!"

3. "This dress is insanely [hot/itchy/tight/uncomfortable]."

4. "But damn, I look good."

5. "Wait, does he/she think I look good? I hope so!"

6. "I sure hope the ring fits."

7. "I'm marrying the hottest person alive."

8. "I'm so in love!"

9. "Why is my [sister/aunt/friend from college] wearing that dress?"

10. "Actually I don't care. I love everyone in this room!"

What were you thinking at the altar? Share your thoughts in the comments!


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