Investigate Ideal Spots
Whether your BFF’s bash is a surprise or not, you should pick a spot based on her personality because not every gorgeous gal dreams of jet-setting to Las Vegas to mimic the movie The Hangover. Think: is she laid-back, outgoing, adventurous, classy, or trendy? Find out where to host the last fling before the ring here.
Estimate The Entourage
Grab the guest list to reference as a resource. The smaller the crowd, the more expensive, and the larger the crowd, the less expensive. Also, ask if they live near or far. You might have to meet in the middle as a compromise. You would not want to fly coast-to-coast or drive during rush hour traffic to barely make it in time for the first pop, fizz, and clink of champagne bottles. Ultimately, you should try to be thoughtful of the those traveling.
Communicate via Conversations
Schedule a planning period at a local coffee shop to create a checklist. Google Hangout or Skype those in that could not stop by for a caffeine boost. One of the major topics to discuss are dates. The event will most likely take place in either the spring or summer months, so you will have to be understanding of vacations that might already be booked with significant others. From there on out, use a giant, group email thread to chit chat.
Determine A Dollar Amount
Pick a price that is reasonable (and realistic)! And let the leading ladies know what is included like:
- Airfare
- Gas
- Hotel room
- Rental property
- Security deposit
- Breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner
- Drinks
- Extracurricular activities
- Favors Pass Out Projects
Delegate tasks out to feel accomplished together as a team! One person is in charge of going grocery shopping (or making a libations list), one person is in charge of reserving tables at restaurants, one person is in charge of organizing an outing, one person is in charge of choosing a craft, or one person is in charge of getting a game.
Stock Up On Swag
The traditional attire of the bride-to-be wearing white and bridesmaids wearing black is still trending for a night out on the town. Score a stylish sash too! It is also becoming fun to liven up the festivities with other adorable matching accessories.
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